020 8460 5682


 Kingswood Road
Bromley, Kent, BR2 0HG


Thank you to everyone who has been able to make a stewardship contribution to St. Mary’s during the past few months as we have lived through the impact of coronavirus, a virus that has affected each and every one of us. Whether through an increase in monthly giving, as a new donor, or as a one-off payment, your generosity has been received with sincere thanks, generosity that greatly helps in keeping your church alive.

We would respectfully ask that if you are able, please could you consider how you might be able to continue in financially helping St. Mary’s, perhaps as a new donor through a standing order; considering giving through Stewardship envelopes; increasing your current giving; giving as a one-off payment or perhaps considering a bequest to the church?

Christian giving is part of our discipleship, a response to God's love and today, like no other time, the life of the church continues even through these exceptionally challenging times.  Many people are working tirelessly, learning new skills and adapting how worship is presented.  It is through all of this, that the love of God continues to radiate through our community. 

Find out more about how to give to St Mary's

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