020 8460 5682


 Kingswood Road
Bromley, Kent, BR2 0HG

Ways to give to St Mary's

Stewardship - or giving - is how the Church finances itself, the buildings and all the activities that take place for the community.  There are several different ways in which you can help:

Stewardship envelopes
You will receive 52 envelopes, one for each week of the year.  You commit to give a fixed amount each week, you place cash or a cheque in the envelope each week and leave it at Church, in the Church Office or at the Vicarage.  If you would like to join this scheme, please email or call the Treasurer: treasurer@stmaryshortlands.church or 020 8460 5884.

Standing order
You agree to give a fixed amount each week or month, by standing order.  It's easy to set up a standing order if you use online banking.  If you don't, you can use our standing order form.

One-off gift
You can make a one-off gift at any time, perhaps for a specific project.  Currently the Church Organ is having a major overhaul which will cost £35,000.  We welcome online payments to our bank (details below) or you can leave a cheque at Church or the Church Office, with a note of your wishes.

You can also use this code to donate:

When preparing your last will and testament you could leave a bequest to the Church.  Understanding bequests

Gift Aid
If you pay income tax then, if you complete a Gift Aid form, we can reclaim Gift Aid on your giving, making your gift even bigger.  St Mary's Gift Aid form.

Bank details
St Mary's bank details are:
NatWest Bank
Sort Code:  60-04-02
Account number: 42417112


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