020 8460 5682


 Kingswood Road
Bromley, Kent, BR2 0HG

Annual Parochial Church Meeting 2025

Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) - Sunday 11 May 2025 after the 10.30am service.

Papers for the APCM will be published on the website at least a week in advance.

Preparation of new St. Mary's Shortlands Church Electoral roll in 2025

Every sixth year, a new church electoral roll has to be prepared in each parish, this means that everyone - new and existing members - must complete a new form.

From the 10th March 2025 you can

  • collect an application form from the back of church, OR
  • CLICK HERE to fill an online application form, OR
  • scan the QR code on the pewpaper or the notice at back of the church to complete the online application form on your mobile device.

Closing date for receipt of Electoral Roll Forms is on Friday 25th April 2025. Once the completed application forms have been collated, the new Electoral Roll will be displayed in church (names only) for 14 days prior to the APCM.

What is the Electoral Roll?

The Electoral Roll lists everyone who can vote in the APCM and you will need to be included to stand for election to the PCC - the church's governing body - and roles such as churchwarden, and/or any other church bodies such as the Deanery, Diocesan or General Synod. Please read the necessary requirements on the form to find out if you can join our Electoral Roll.

Electoral Roll application Forms

Completed paper copies can be  emailed to the PCC Secretary secretary@stmaryshortlands.church or posted or dropped into the Church House letterbox.

The Parish Church of St Mary, Shortlands, Church House, 39 Kingswood Road, Bromley, BR2 0HG

Annual Parochial Church Meeting Sunday 19 May 2024

These are the papers for the meeting:

 Policies - St Marys Shortlands

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